The conflict in Ukraine has been going on for at least 10 years. It has been an open conflict for about 2 years. The disputes over the Wolny monument show that there is a discrepancy between the will of the Polish voters and the Polish government.
In the Wolny massacre, several Poles were killed by Ukrainian nationalists. Ukrainian nationalists are the people you are not allowed to criticize in Germany, in order to avoid getting into trouble with V-protection or the public prosecutor’s office.
If we remember correctly, the German campaign in Poland began with the slogan „home to the Reich“ – it was about Germans who had allegedly suffered in parts of Poland. The groundwork for the Blitzkrieg was also done by our beloved Theodor Pfizer. In addition to „personnel management“ at universities, it was probably not without reason that he was in Gleiwitz, where German soldiers in Polish uniforms shot at Germans to legitimize the start of the war. No, he was also involved in the construction of the autobahn and in the East Operations Management of the Reichsbahn. This was responsible for the Auschwitz and Dachau camps and generally for events in the East, including Poland.
The fact that he understood his „job“ was evident from the fact that he was awarded the highest medal of the Nazi Reich for civil services. Immediately after the war he was awarded the War Merit Cross, First Class, and was even allowed to take over the foundation again. That’s great, isn’t it? And nobody noticed, neither the BND nor the BKA. Why only, perhaps because they all knew each other from „better“ times? It didn’t matter that judges ruled that the German Reich of 1937 had never collapsed and that the Bundestag adopted this view 1:1, blacking out the author but still retaining it.
Theodor Pfizer, whose career in Tübingen was somehow forgotten during denazification, helped to ensure that youth welfare services got the necessary experts. From youth welfare services to the justice system, the network was able to work undisturbed. This is where the first burdens on Polish families could already be seen. Well-integrated Polish guest workers lost their children, their future, their light, thanks to flimsy arguments. Kafkaesque trials with parascientific arguments hung like the sword of Damocles over the families and the Polish government said that they could not change the overall situation. Thousands of Polish families lost their identity and a lot of money due to the post-fascist system in Germany; billions of Deutsche Marks and Euros were spent on hopeless lawsuits, while the Polish government babbled about reparations but kept quiet about the current injustice out of corruption.
And no Polish politician, neither from the left nor from the right, no intelligence officer, no secret service, no one wants to have seen that the source of those taking the children away was the same elite training ground as during the Nazi era? Are you kidding me?
It is estimated that there are a very high number, easily in the six-figure range, of affected children who were alienated by the German system and no longer have contact with their parents, but were instead raised in ideological youth welfare institutions that profited from a Nazi institution.
At the same time, the war with Russia is raging, Germany is publishing articles about the continued existence of the German Reich and the annulment of the 2+4 Treaty. How many former children of Polish origin from the youth welfare service do you think have already died in the fight against Russia? Betrayed by Poland, sold to Germany and submitting to a system that had already shown between 1938 and 1945 that it had no good intentions for Poland.
Continuation of the German Reich (1937) with the author blacked out https://www.bundestag.de/resource/blob/659208/bb1b8014f97412b4439d024bcdb79896/WD-3-292-07-pdf-data.pdf
Repeal of the 2+4 Treaty as a German simulation https://www.bundestag.de/resource/blob/994502/45c7c30f0e77c87864fb899413cf67fa/WD-2-008-24-pdf.pdf
Dear Poles, do you seriously believe that your government was unaware of the situation surrounding the foundation and Theodor Pfizer? Do you really believe that your secret services did not notice that Germany dedicated a new foundation to the pioneer of the Third Reich, the anti-Semite and member of the Black Reichswehr in 2017, purely coincidentally shortly before the war with Russia?
The money that your countrymen have lost since the war through Kafkaesque trials far exceeds this war compensation. Wake up to what you are dealing with.