Archiv der Kategorie: Pädophilie

The banality of evil

I was asked to translate my article about Azov-Films. It would be done quite quickly if this were entered into a translation machine and an AI-generated translation could be delivered to foreign countries, possibly even error-free. However, it is not just the language that is the problem, but also the, not reproachable, ignorance of people living abroad about what is currently going on in another country.

Therefore, this is not just a translation of the Azov Film article, no, I would like to give a brief summary of the scandal that was generally prevalent at the time, so that it becomes even more vivid.

First, however, I’ll simply repeat the article to see why an international look at our hands is all the more important. In the end, one will also recognize the “banality of evil” and the calculation with which all parties in Germany sell the souls of children in order to realize the Greater German Idea again. This is supported by an international network that is willing to support National Socialist ideas. The fact that panic mode is currently high in Germany can be seen in issues such as the AFD ban proceedings. The so-called Steel Helmet Uprising should be remembered here. The hard right was one of the worst opponents in the Third Reich and was therefore eliminated.

Around the year 2000, there was a dispute in Germany over the issuing of visas. I will briefly summarize this dispute. Joschka Fischer wanted free visas for Ukrainians, whereas Otto Schily, the then interior minister, refused, arguing that this would undermine the EU’s security interests.

The then head of the Chancellery, Steinmeier, strengthened Fischer’s position and so the visas were freely granted.

“On August 4 the European Commission decided that while the lax system at the heart of the German visa scandal violated European Union norms “

After the visa affair, it didn’t take long until the smuggling affair got going and human trafficking began on an unprecedented scale in the EU.

Afterwards things became a little quieter, especially since the banking crisis started in 2007 and people had other things to worry about than human trafficking between Ukraine and the EU, especially Germany.

The only “entertainment” we had was as part of a terrorist network called the NSU, which in the meantime was moving through the country, similar to the RAF. There were a lot of errors in the proceedings, witnesses suddenly died and police officers were also murdered. The experts appointed raised even more questions, so that many reporters reported anonymously from abroad out of fear of German authorities or structures within them. This scandal was dealt with by a committee chaired by Mr Edathy.

During the committee it emerged towards the end of 2013 that this same Edathy was being prosecuted by the judiciary for possessing and purchasing child pornography. However, all of this had less of an educational character and seemed to merely serve to force Edathy out of his role as NSU committee chairman.

What is striking, however, is that where these films come from was never clearly reported in the German media. Whenever there was any reporting, it was always said that the films came from Romania.

The simplest research ultimately led to the conclusion that the films Edathy sourced were called Azov-Films. The name Azov should be familiar to everyone by 2022 at the latest, but before that it was the name of the ultranationalist battalion with National Socialist traits. This refers to Bandera, who had a fairly good connection to the Third Reich and performed “good services” in Ukraine. Without too much effort, I managed to get a final list of these films and the majority of the films were made in Ukraine, the other part mostly in Germany. The films were sold in Canada. Some screens of the list are here:

It didn’t take long and I quickly found an almost exhaustive film list of films with all the actors, locations and many other details tabulated in absolutely perishable abomination. The victims are presented as numbered objects and presented in a dehumanized manner without a trace of empathy and morality about what happened to these children.

This list is on a page that I don’t want to bring unnecessary traffic to, so I downloaded the list as a PDF and am attaching 2 of what feel like countless screenshots here. The list contains around 300 films. The majority of the films were shot in Ukraine, around 90%. Strictly speaking, the films were shot in what is now contested Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. This also corresponds to the allegations of some Russian NGOs.

The German press was the only one to speak in unison about Romanian films:

The investigative committee, including the BKA, also spoke about films from Romania at all times, although the film list was accessible to everyone. There were also no critical objections from the German press, which would have been necessary to properly prosecute perpetrators and support the victims. Especially since all of this took place in the context of the visa affair and the smuggling scandal that had already taken place.

As far as the context is concerned, I would like to refer you to the English-language Wikipedia article with sources, which I have reproduced here in an abbreviated form as follows.

The first indications of Azov-Films were already in 2008. Operation Spade began in 2010. As already described, the content was the spread of child pornography on a hitherto unimagined scale worldwide. The main bases were Germany and Ukraine.

The German Federal Criminal Police Office was informed in October 2011, but investigations only started in October 2012, with the list of customers being distributed to the German states‘ authorities in November 2012.[14] During 13 months of holding back any investigations it should have been obvious for Federal Criminal Police Office that within the list there were IP numbers of German Bundestag with at least several downloads of nude material of boys between the ages of 9 and 14 towards the German Bundestag IP numbers range.[

The BKA therefore did not investigate and classified this matter as highly explosive. The BKA is the first authority in the world to do nothing because of the explosive nature of the matter.

Since the BKA has classified the consumer behavior of German politicians, who were exposed to child porn from a film label named after a Nazi battalion from Ukraine, as highly explosive, it entrusted this “high-security task” to a private company for proper processing.

The BKA’s response to the Spiegel article was prompt, but the BKA did not address the specific representations and allegations made by Spiegel. Releases/2014/Presse2014/140319_Klarstellung_Spiegel_Online-bericht_zu_Bevertragung_privater_IT-Arbeitsleuter.html

If you read the investigation report, which I have attached here as a PDF, the following sentence also stands out:

The BKA was aware of the contact from Azov Films

to the Bavarian State Criminal Police Office (LKA Bayern) in 2008, as well

in the television magazine “FAKT” from February 25, 2014, and if

yes, why didn’t the BKA do so at the latest when the company data was transmitted

the company Azov Films in October 2011 to significantly push the

Urged to investigate and take appropriate action?”

Answer: NO

The fact that, at the same time that Germany and its Bundeswehr were not being investigated, at least managed to sell an old NATO facility to someone with a relevant criminal record also says a lot about the overall ambitions of this nation.The fact that nothing was noticed obviously speaks for our protectionism and our culture of mistakes.

What can be said in summary? If you look at the hundreds of films from the so-called Azov Films, you can see that they were originally made in Germany. In the mid-90s, after the visa affair, the majority came from Ukraine. All security authorities, politicians from all parties and also the press have simply failed to investigate. Of course, it cannot be said conclusively at this point whether this failure was due to political instructions or due to incompetence.

It would also be difficult to name a specific suspect here. It is clear to see that there are powers at work here that can influence the entire judiciary with the snap of a finger. If you look at the Edmund Dillinger affair, in which the Saarland justice system destroyed information opportunities for four decades of abuse victims with a snap of the fingers and still proudly stands by it. Instead, people who want to clarify the abuses are persecuted. Journalists from recognized media outlets who are active in this area in Saarland suddenly commit suicide or run amok and the rest end up in forensics, thanks to a well-known association from Freiburg.

In addition, there are the events in Hanau in which the alleged perpetrator tried to warn America about Germany and posted a related video online. A short time later he was also dead and his website with “Thoughts” was indexed for the first time 4 hours after the body was found.

A short time later, 18 SEK officers became part of the German media for child pornography and finding unconstitutional symbolism. Of these 19 officers, 13 were deployed during the operation against the aforementioned Rathjen.

My article about the circumstances:


August 10, 2023


Finally, in addition to the German-language article, I was shocked to discover that Germany has made no secret of the fact that it is unilaterally suspending the internationally binding HCC agreement in favor of Ukraine and thus unilaterally revoking its obligations under international law.

“The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (also Hague Child Abduction Convention, or HKÜ for short) of October 25, 1980 is a multilateral agreement within the framework of the Hague Conference on Private International Law. It concerns cases of international child abduction.”

After the abduction of children from Germany to Ukraine on a large scale became known, Germany simply suspended the implementation of this obligation under international law. Germany received no reprimand for this, neither from the German public, press or international authorities. All of this in the context of Azov Films, the visa affair and the smuggling scandal casts a clear picture of the Germans.

“On May 9, 2017, the television magazine Report Mainz used a concrete example to show that Ukraine is not complying with and ignoring the HCC despite applicable international law.[11] So far, a total of 33 German mothers or fathers of children abducted to Ukraine have sued in court for the repatriation of their children in accordance with the HCC, but, according to Ukrainian Deputy Justice Minister Serhiy Petuchow, these applications have only been granted in three cases. However, even in these three cases there was no actual repatriation. According to the German Ministry of Justice, no pressure will be put on Ukraine to comply with the HKÜ in order not to endanger interstate relations. “

If you now see in the context of the Saarbrücken public prosecutor’s office has probably destroyed evidence of decades of abuse and that close connections to Ukraine can also be proven here, both current and from the period 30-45, the picture becomes all the clearer .

We now summarize the overall picture that emerges: we have a number of affairs with Visae with Ukraine, Schleuser Affair and Azov-Films. At the same time, we have started a foundation whose graduates are, to a large extent, not uninvolved here and are now being consulted in the press as Russia experts. Neither the BKA nor the press noticed that the founder of the same foundation originally came from the black Reichswehr, which financed the training of Nazis. During the war he mainly organized Operation Barabarossa. This foundation was able to continue after the war without prejudice to its previous history and the first graduates were the members of the RAF. The authorities at the time didn’t notice that either. Since then, the BND has been involved in the worst crimes and this foundation has always acted with a clear past in the background and no police officer or public prosecutor’s office has noticed this? It should have been noticed at the latest during the Hanau attack when Rathjen said that there was a threat to the world from Germany that the so-called experts also had connections to this network.

As a small digression, it should be said that a single activist celebrated the goings-on around azov-Films and put the rapes and films depicted into perspective. This blog operator is Dieter Gieseking. He has put these films into perspective on his website. The man has a relevant criminal record and is also a former police officer. Around 10 years later, the Bundestag confirmed a petition that this very same Dieter Gieseking had submitted. Countless channels have already commented on this petition. Broadly speaking, it is about reducing the age at which children can have sexual intercourse. The Bundestag, which has covered Azov-Films etc., has accepted this petition, which is part of another petition, with all votes except that of the AfD.

The federal government is taking on the degradation of such a man, at the same time reducing the criminal liability for the possession of child pornography on its own initiative and all this with the sword of Damocles of the BKA’s statement about itself that a lot of IPs from Operation Spade led to the offices of members of the Bundestag. The picture that emerges is quite fatal, and what is even more fatal is that the press, which has made children’s rights a priority, doesn’t notice it.

The BKA simply didn’t investigate and when you hear the word NSU, nobody thinks of old ties between Germany and Ukraine and nobody is able to pick up a history book so that the problem could be solved quite quickly. It was even openly stated in Northdata which store the CDU and SPD were funding. However, our top officials didn’t notice. If someone with a billion-dollar budget doesn’t notice something, you’re either bad or an accomplice. This consideration is seen as the basis for the current countless investigations into pro-Russian statements and criticism of Ukrainian Nazism. I would put it this way, if you understand what has been written above, you see that Ukraine is being protected from Azov Films and international law in the country, then you can see which foundation these experts come from and which experts the public prosecutor’s offices use to get rid of the so-called delegitimizers of Germany , flanked by a press that can neither use Northdata nor history books, creates a clear picture of Germany that can be clearly assigned to contemporary history.

Ultimately, my job is to warn the world about every lawyer, police officer and politician who has any connection to Germany. Everyone can see that Pfizer’s past has been excellently protected from the public for 80 years. Germany and the German mentality are the greatest threat to global peace. For example, the activity of the Saarland CDU parliamentary group with the sentence „We remember“ in which the victims of the Holocaust are remembered seems all the more schizophrenic, knowing full well that billions have been sent to one of the most important pioneers of the Holocaust through his foundation since 1945 and a short time later Received the War Merit Cross 2nd Class under Hitler and the Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class under Adenauer. This German theater must come to an end and they must finally be judged by their contradictions and not by their words.