Wray and the German Plot against Tara Reade

Currently, stories about Pam Bondi, the Epstein Files, and the cover-up by the FBI in New York are once again making the rounds in the media. I then received a video showing the „ousted“ FBI New York chief, James Denehy, leaving his office. The entire scene was beyond bizarre—accompanied by bagpipe music and surrounded by a group of undeniably odd individuals whom I wouldn’t even trust with my dogs, this so-called „chief“ made his exit from the FBI. The spectacle was nothing short of a psychedelic paradox.

These are the people entrusted with overseeing the well-being of the public. Given that I have grown accustomed to seeing disturbed individuals in positions of power in Germany, I immediately looked into Denehy’s qualifications. According to his own statements, he studied civil engineering. This led me to question how someone with such an unrelated background ended up as the head of the FBI in New York. My search quickly led me to Christopher Wray, the former FBI Director.

At that moment, I was reminded of the case of Tara Reade. And that is precisely what this brief reflection is about—to highlight just how broken the FBI truly is and the enormous task ahead for Kash Patel. The Tara Reade case should not only serve as an exposé but also as a guide and opportunity to eliminate similar vulnerabilities and pave the way for a better America.

I met Tara in Russia. In October 2023, I was invited by FondFBR to give a presentation in Moscow about the revelations concerning Theodor Pfizer and the Studienstiftung. Around ten people were present, each sharing their own experiences and discoveries. Tara spoke about the events that led her to leave the U.S. for Russia and how the Biden administration—particularly the FBI under Wray—had played a role in it.

Since we had already concluded our work with Polaris at the time, and I was therefore interested in the topic of the FBI, I decided to look into Tara’s case online. I came across an article from CNN. However, when I tried to open the website, it loaded for a second and then immediately closed. It was completely inaccessible from Germany. I repeated the attempt several times until I finally used a tracer. The result showed that the website was being intercepted in the town of Haar, Bavaria.

Through a contact with intelligence expertise, I learned that the server in question was under the control of the BND (Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service). Naturally, I took multiple screenshots of the findings and distributed them worldwide to ensure that there was clear evidence of exactly which server was responsible.

On social media, the usual suspects were set against her. The standard mechanisms of character assassination were put into motion, even though the mainstream media initially reported on her case with some neutrality. However, the FBI also did its part in portraying Reade as a Russian disinformation agent—at the forefront of this effort was Wray.

In 2017, Wray replaced the ousted Comey after being appointed by Trump. However, this decision would prove to be anything but fortunate. Both Comey and Wray played key roles in shaping an anti-Russian narrative. Comey took office in 2013, coinciding with the exposure of Azov Films—a child pornography ring that originally operated in Germany before shifting its production to Ukraine in 2000. The films were distributed worldwide through Canada.

In 2008, Toronto police alerted federal law enforcement agencies across the globe, providing them with customer lists. As a result, 400 children were rescued—children who had been openly advertised on Facebook. The primary perpetrators were Canadian families with Ukrainian roots and connections. The films were sold internationally from Canada, reaching approximately 110 countries. Yet, despite the scale of the operation, only around 700 arrests were made worldwide.

Germany was the only country explicitly named on Wikipedia for failing to take action, with the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) being accused of repeated failures in handling the Azov Films case. Following this scandal—centered around the exploitation of 400 children—the head of the BKA was appointed to lead „Weisser Ring,“ a victim support organization. Meanwhile, the vice president of Interpol, elected under Comey and reaffirmed five years later by Wray, played a key role in the cover-up.

Beyond the BKA’s incompetence in dealing with Azov Films, there are at least two highly significant factors that add to the controversy. First, Germany was the only country to deliberately misreport the filming locations. The film list is publicly accessible, and this claim is easily verifiable. Second, a notorious pedophile ring regularly organized trips to Crimea to „honor“ actors who had supposedly died in suspicious car accidents.

Despite the indisputable nature of these facts, German law enforcement, politicians, the press, and even victim advocacy groups falsely labeled these Ukrainian films as Romanian. The fact that Romania tolerated this misrepresentation might say something about its current political climate. In any case, both Comey and Wray helped cover up horrific crimes against children and installed individuals who perpetuated the false narrative that Romania was to blame.

This, of course, raises serious doubts about the credibility of claims that Tara Reade is some kind of Russian asset. If such clear and overwhelming evidence can be ignored in order to protect Ukraine, what else is being overlooked?

The second critical aspect of Wray’s role is that the head of Interpol comes from a foundation led by someone who once swore to achieve the „final victory“ over the United States. Ensuring national security and countering all threats is precisely the responsibility of an FBI director. Given this, it is deeply questionable why someone from the same foundation that produced RAF terrorists—who murdered countless U.S. soldiers—was allowed to become the head of Interpol.

Of course, no one is claiming that Wray alone was responsible for embedding this foundation into American society. However, it was his duty to monitor such influences, especially given the impact of movements like Fridays for Future, BLM, and other social upheavals that have significantly altered American society—not to mention the murder of U.S. soldiers. A competent FBI director would have reported this matter to the FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act) authorities, especially since the Pfizer files are publicly accessible. He also should have scrutinized key positions within the government, such as the FDA when the COVID-19 crisis began.

I can think of a thousand things Wray should have done in light of this foundation’s influence. However, labeling Tara Reade as a „Russian asset“ was certainly not one of them—if anything, he himself acted more like a German or Ukrainian asset.

Since the topic of children has been mentioned, it is crucial to highlight that politics has been demonstrably conducted at the expense of children’s well-being, with the aim of radicalizing and polarizing society. While unverifiable claims about Russia are freely reported and judged, verifiable facts about Ukraine are conveniently shifted onto Romania. This is not the behavior of a mere pedophile, but rather of someone who consciously weaponizes pedophilia for political purposes.

In my view, this is even worse than pedophilic crimes driven by compulsions—because in this case, it is not about uncontrolled urges but about a calculated political agenda.

Wishing Tara all the best in her lawsuit against the FBI.

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