The last straw, or rather the shot that went around the world, has now moved me to present the entire revelation here. Mrs. Fischer has published my revelation here in German. I am very grateful to her for this, as all alternative sources have ignored the importance of the revelation. They prefer to construct senseless conspiracy theories and deliberately ignite them like smokescreens.
Nevertheless, I will keep it short and offer anyone who would like more documents the opportunity to write to me. Everyone will receive all the documents and evidence, and I may even create an additional mind map for this article.
I have also been criticized for not going into the cultic background of my results. For me, the cultic is a means to an end and of course that is the case. By the time I was in Dillinger’s house, all doubts had disappeared. However, it would be too much for many people if I started with ancient Egyptians, so this article only covers a period from 1750 to today. I think that is enough. My team has all the information, of course, but you always have to weigh up whether you are overtaxing people or not. However, since I have already written articles on the sub-areas, the text contains links to sub-areas so that the reader can expand their knowledge if they want to.
In 1776, a Jesuit offshoot founded the so-called Illuminati. This is not a magic term, it just shows the delusions that excessive narcissism can lead to. The disease should be called by its name, and the same thing happened to the council members of IG Farben, who openly called themselves the „Council of the Gods.“ A very good book on this topic by Dr. Rath is recommended.
The Illuminati were broken up because they were subversive and Weishaupt and Bauer looked for new fields of activity and, in some cases, religions so that they could continue to operate without being persecuted. They disappeared into banking and universities. Marx and other socialists also came from the school. They resurfaced from time to time, but it is all very difficult to understand because the creed states that they can accept and practice any religion as long as it serves the Pope,or the centralist creed of the Catholic Church. However, real Catholics do not want to have anything to do with Jesuits precisely because of their subversive nature and treachery.
In 1872, the Jesuits were banned by Bismarck, precisely because it was recognized that they were still subversive and held high offices. However, they were allowed again in 1917 due to pressure from the Center Party. However, those involved continued to work in the background, founding companies and expanding networks. The companies around IG Farben are particularly worth mentioning here.
IG Farben saw that it now had an opportunity that it had not had before in the German Empire. It had already been able to play around with mustard gas in World War I, but this approval by universities made it possible for the idea to be realized industrially. National Socialism was a real drawcard, especially since the company saddled the horses itself.
IG Farben learned from the First World War that it does not only take a shot heir to the throne to mobilize the masses, but ideologization requires profound manipulation of society as a whole.
So IG Farben founded the Studienstiftung, which was still active as a student union at the time. This happened in 1921. The place was Tübingen, the place that became known for its cruel eugenics and also the place where most of the strange psychologists work today. However, this foundation not only produced scientists, especially lawyers and eugenicists, but also media workers, administrative officials, educators, psychologists, and thus the entire social portfolio.
A young man who had the necessary „portfolio“ was put in charge. Theodor Pfizer headed the facility from 1925 onwards. He was part of the illegal black Reichswehr, was anti-Semitic and an enemy of the newly founded Weimar Republic and its constitution. He therefore had all the prerequisites for IG Farben to achieve its goals and to display a camouflage of ethnic nationalism. It certainly didn’t hurt that a close relative of Pfizer wrote a book called „Fatherland“, which was basically the introduction to German nationalism and ethnic patriotism, which was actually de facto socialism, but did not want to see itself as such.
Theodor Pfizer was, as we know, not the worst choice and the Weimar Republic system collapsed within a short period of time. Judges who were in office mastered the new jurisprudence as if they had never learned anything else. For judges, prosecutors and civil servants who are a little slower to learn, a contemporary solution was found.
During the war, Pfizer worked in Austria, where he was responsible for building the highway so that the tanks could move quickly and the blitzkrieg would not falter halfway through. He then went to Gleiwitz to join the NSDAP. He never joined the party, however, but worked in the same place where Germans in Polish uniforms shot at Germans in order to initiate a war against Poland. Deception is a hallmark of National Socialism.
Then he joined the East Operations Management of the German Reichsbahn. There he was responsible for freight and military transport, especially to the Russian front. For those who are uninformed, the Nazis referred to people as goods. This reached such grotesque proportions that the Jews themselves had to pay for their deportation.
Jews actually had to pay for their own deportation during the Holocaust. This practice was part of the brutal and cynical methods used by the Nazi regime to dispossess and humiliate Jews.
Deportees were forced to pay the cost of their own deportation to concentration and extermination camps. This often included the cost of train travel, which they were billed for. Deportees had to leave behind their valuables and possessions, which were confiscated by the Nazis. In addition, they often had to raise money for travel expenses and food during the journey.
This practice was another expression of the merciless exploitation and dehumanization that Jews suffered under the Third Reich. The funds extorted from deportees went directly into the Nazi war machine and helped to further finance the regime’s crimes.
the Jews had in many cases already been dispossessed before their deportation. Their assets were systematically confiscated by the Nazis and transferred to so-called „trust accounts“. Nevertheless, various methods were used to make it appear that the Jews themselves paid for their deportation.
Here are some specific mechanisms that were used:
1.Asset forfeiture: The Nazis confiscated Jewish property and assets, often under the pretext that the Jews would have to pay a „Reich Flight Tax“ if they left the country.
- Train travel: The costs of deportation, especially train travel to the concentration camps, were billed to the victims. The Reichsbahn issued bills for the deportation, which were either paid directly by the affected people or from their confiscated funds.
3.Ghettos and camps: In the ghettos and concentration camps, Jews were forced to pay for their room and board. These payments were often taken directly from the Jews‘ confiscated assets.
- Ghetto currencies: In some ghettos, such as the Litzmannstadt (Łódź) ghetto, the Nazis introduced their own currency, the so-called „ghetto mark“. Jews had to use this currency to cover their basic needs, even though it had no real purchasing power outside the ghetto.
- Forced labor: Jews were used for forced labor, often without pay or for very low wages, which were then retained for „living expenses“.
Overall, this shows the cynical and systematic way in which the Nazi regime tried to exploit the Jews until the last moment. Even after their deportation and until their death in the concentration camps, they were economically squeezed and dispossessed.
The Reich Association of Jews in Germany, which emerged from the Reich Representation of German Jews in 1939, was forced to operate under the strict supervision and control of the Nazi authorities. Although one can speak of “cooperation,” this was not voluntary and did not serve the interests of the Jewish community, but was a forced collaboration under extreme pressure and threat.
Here are some aspects of this forced collaboration:
Coercive measures: The Reich Association had to carry out Nazi orders, including registering Jews, managing confiscated assets, and organizing deportations. These tasks were carried out under the threat of immediate repression and violence.
Deportations: The Reich Association was forced to draw up the lists of Jews to be deported and organize transportation. This was done under pressure from the Gestapo and other Nazi authorities, and Jewish officials had no real choice.
Social services: Despite this forced cooperation, the Reich Association tried to provide social services for the Jewish community as best it could. This included relief services, education and medical care as far as possible under the repressive conditions.
Leo Baeck and other leaders: Personalities like Leo Baeck played a key role in the Reich Association. They tried to offer as much support and hope as possible to the oppressed Jewish people, despite being forced to work under Nazi conditions.
Misappropriation of Jewish institutions: The Nazis used Jewish institutions and their structures to pursue their own goals. The Reich Association was instrumentalized to make the systematic persecution and deportation of the Jewish population more efficient.
The Reich Association’s cooperation with the Nazis cannot therefore be considered voluntary cooperation. Rather, it was a forced collaboration under brutal duress, with Jewish leaders attempting to ensure the survival and well-being of their community as best they could while at the same time being subject to Nazi orders.
The processing was carried out by the Eastern Operations Management in conjunction with the SS and the Reich Association.
This perspective is not only historically important, it also gives you an insight into the morality behind it all. Pfizer was so good at implementing it that he received the Third Reich’s highest civilian award. The Nazi Party described him as versatile. He did not stop even after the Americans landed in Normandy, on the contrary, he incited countless Germans to achieve the final victory over the USA and quoted the head of the death camps, Ganzmüller.
From here on, things finally get interesting for our American readers.
Pfizer was accused by the rail workers‘ union of being an evil accomplice. However, the witnesses were threatened by a seemingly invisible network. In 1951 he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class and had an unprecedented career in the „new“ Federal Republic of Germany.
He also took over the foundation again. However, due to the division, the foundation had to move its operations from Dresden to Bonn. As early as 1952, the DAAD succeeded in ensuring that this foundation, which only changed its name during the Third Reich because of the Gleichschaltung, was able to expand worldwide. How the money flowed at that time can be seen very clearly in the yearbook from 1975.
The „operators“ found support from a man named John J. McCloy. He was a lawyer for IG Farben during the war and was also Secretary of State under Roosevelt. He was the one who prevented the Auschwitz rails from being bombed. This would have cost his financiers revenue. He returned to occupied Germany as High Commissioner and pardoned the judges who had been sentenced to death and life imprisonment after only two years in prison. The majority of the judges were supported by the foundation.
But prosecutors, scientists, etc. were also pardoned. At the same time, McCloy pushed for the elite training center to be able to operate internationally. The McCormack Act was circumvented by the UN. Ultimately, people who had been financed with blood money were sitting in universities next to normal fellow students whose studies were financed by descendants of the Holocaust, since American universities are largely privately financed. The universities in the USA thus accepted money from patriots and victims of the Nazis, as well as from the original Nazi training grants. This not only abused trust, but also gave people insight into the critical infrastructure, be it media, business, science, or military. All of this took place under the leadership of the same person who had headed the IG Farben training center from 1925 onwards, Theodor Pfizer.
The announcement by the Pfizer plaintiffs quickly became reality, because it was not long before Esslin, Mahler and other members of the RAF were being financed through the German scholarship foundation. Neither in the investigation of the Tübingen eugenics trials nor in the RAF exposure was the name Theodor Pfizer ever mentioned.
This foundation formed a highly complex network of sub-foundations, sub-sub-foundations and programs. The descendants of these programs always ran well-sounding programs, but these always ultimately led to unrest. The racial unrest is particularly noteworthy here, but also climate and other movements such as BLM or Me2 always go back to descendants of the program created for abroad. That’s why they always follow the same course. This also includes the border NGOs, which receive money from the programs, the refugees are a burden on social coexistence and at the same time the system earns money from social work. At the same time, a depatriotization program is underway in both the USA and Europe, which is being orchestrated in the same way.
It should be remembered here that Theodor Pfizer was the mastermind behind the promotion of elites and what better way to do this than to weaken national desires through such programs. Any means are justified there, whether you use racism, transgender, climate, disease or whatever as an ideology. Here you then cover both sides of the narrative and can lead the world into chaos. How great must the view of the current world be for a man named Theodor Pfizer? Israel is being attacked again, Jews fear for their lives in universities in the USA, the army is weaker than ever and people are moving towards Russia, at the same time people are busy with border protection, transgender and trials where people sit as judges who have all of this hidden in the USA for 80 years. This radicalization factory can operate freely and found its messenger in McCloy, who in turn was a co-founder of Blackrock. Which educational institution did the Trump assassin come from again? It is strange that the American secret services did not notice that Germany founded a new foundation in 2017 that claims to be named after Theodor Pfizer. What is even stranger is that no one is reporting that Russia withdrew from the Bologna Agreement in 2022, the agreement that recognizes bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Strange, isn’t it?
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